George Younan


MCT-CRO the largest regional CRO of MENA!

After more than 10 years of continuous growthMCTis now operating in 36 countries acrossMENA&Africa. Proud to be the largest regionalCROof MENA! Looking forward to continuedexpansionandgrowth.


Sickle Cell Awareness Month

During the Sickle Cell Awareness month MCT is proud to contribute to the research to find a treatment for sickle cell disease with hundreds of patients recruited to date.


Sickle Cell Disease Study – Site of Pr. Olayemi

MCT is grateful to Pr. Olayemi and his team at Korle-Bu site in Ghana, for recruiting their first patients on a SCD study. No doubt the Korle-Bu site will significantly contribute to the success of this study!


Sickle Cell Disease Study – Site of Dr. Kaali

MCT is pleased to announce the recruitment of the first patients at Kintampo site in Ghana, on a promising SCD study. Thanks to Dr. Kaali and his great team, who have made it all possible!